Sunday, January 3, 2010


I have so many random thoughts everyday it blows my mind away.

Todays random though is: Evolution; more specifically, the evolution of humans losing hair. Isn't it amazing that other species of humans in the past N million of years have lasted hundreds and hundreds of thousands of years, and our form of human have only been around for thousands? Makes me wonder what part of our appearance will cease to exist next. This thought happened while I was shaving my underarms, so I got thinking, what if it was unneeded hair that was next on the chopping block.

So I hope we can all agree we were once monkeys; as scientific evidence has found, if you do not agree, just humor me for now. When we were monkeys, our entire bodies were covered in hair. As we evolved, we lost hair, lost hair lost hair until here we are today, with hair on certain places but not on others. There are some theories on why we started losing hair, and started looking more like we do now. One theory, is that when became bipeds, we had no need for an excess amount of hair all over our bodies since we do not need it to protect our skin. We have hair on our heads still because we need to protect our skulls from the Sun. Make sense? Good. Millions of years ago, our species needed the hair in order to stay warm while we were hunting and being outside all of the time and to protect our skin. I am going to state the obvious right now: we no longer are outside hunting all the time; hence the obesity rates. We have other ways to control our body temperature these days, so having a personal fur coat is unnecessary. I just had another thought: why do men have more body hair then women? Maybe it is because they are naturally the hunters, so they are assumed to be hunters more than the women are. I am ok with that; I will stay at home and be less hairless.

A second theory on why we lost hair is: we lost hair because hairless = more attractive. When we were in our earlier forms, the uglier babies were basically tossed away and only the prettier ones were kept. As the years past, the ugly genes were just killed away and only the less hairy babies were kept. Really, I can’t make this stuff up. So, if we go on that, we were pretty conceited monkeys. We were concerned about appearances, even millions of years ago. Imagine your mom killing you because you were not pretty enough; thank goodness that does not happen nowadays. Now just have society sublimely telling us every day that we have to look and act a certain way to be socially acceptable.

At this point in my train of thought, I stopped shaving my underarms and I started looking at myself and realized there are very odd placements of hair on our bodies. All humans have hair on their heads, eyebrows, eyelashes, armpit hair, and leg hair. And men have more prominent arm and chest hair. So if you look at theory one, men have more hair because they were prominently the hunters. Now that is a void concept, so does that mean all men will evolve to have no chest or arm hair? And leg hair; we are biped now, and there is no need to keep all that hair there, so maybe that will also cease to exist when we evolve. You may be now thinking why this evolution has not happened yet since we have been biped for a while now. Remember though; the other forms of humans lasted hundreds of thousands of years. Our form of human is still very young, so don’t worry, we got time.
Looking at theory 2, ugly genes will be killed off. Mostly all women shave their leg and underarm hair to look more appealing. Most men also shave their facial hair in order to look more clean cut, and more attractive. So maybe that means if we keep doing it, evolution will eventually kill off that hair growth also.

So there is an obvious glitch with these 2 theories; by following that theory, it assumes that since we are biped and don’t hunt anymore, we will lose our heads of hair soon. Our lifestyles have changed and we are not out in the sun slaving away as we used to, so protecting the skull is not that important. So we will become hairless creatures (that I assume will look like hairless shriveled potatoes) that are so ugly our own mothers will want us dead. Wait a minute! This contradicts the other theory; because if we were all hairless, which may not be considered attractive; no one would want to have sex with anyone else because they are just so ugly! Who would want to continue the human race with a fear of maybe the next thing to go are the fingernails! And since our whole purpose of us living is essentially to procreate, our species will die. Not fun.

So which theory is right? Maybe we should make a hybrid theory. Use the first, for scientific reasons, but maybe with a little bit of the second. So let’s call it Theory 1½ . Our race will evolve to remove unsightly hair due to us now being bipeds and to be more attractive (to avoid the shriveled potato look, as explained above). So women eventually will have no leg hair, no underarm hair and have perfectly sculpted eyebrows. Men will have either no facial hair or a natural scruff or a natural goatee.
What a great time that will be.

Too bad we will all be dead before that happens.

We probably still have a couple hundred thousand years of: men thinking Movember is a great excuse to grow disgusting moustaches, women using billions of razors and estheticians raking in the cash of all the hair removal processes that we endure to make ourselves more attractive.

Why can’t evolution come sooner!

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