Saturday, December 26, 2009


So i was reading a magazine while at the gym, I think it was men's health. And it was like cosmopolitan for men, had a lot of surveys and random statistics etc. There was one that said 67% of men think that their skills in bed are above average. Immediately I thought that made no sense. An average is "around the middle of a scale of evaluation". the result will give a value that will standardize a set of unequal values. So if 67% of people think they are better than the average; this means that more than half of the people think they are better than the average, or the middle of the evaluation scale. So having this new information, it means that the 67% of men just raised the average to what their skills in bed are. So basically 67% of the male population are average, and the other 33% that once said they were average are now below average and there are no men with extraordinary bedroom skills.

Man that statistic made no sense.

And then it got me thinking; does that make me a nerd for thinking this way? Did I over think that? should I have just read that and thought "Heck yes! this means the odds of me getting a Hercules type man in bed just got better!"

However, right now all I am thinking is I have a 33% chance of getting a guy who is as awkward in bed as a donkey would be at an equestrian show.

1 comment:

  1. every time I see a statistic in a magazine I immediately consider sample size, demographic, and the liklihood that a guy would actually admit to being a slug in bed.... so you may be a dork, but we're dorks together :)
